
in general उदाहरण

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    Examples of in general in a Sentence

  • इसके उदाहरण in general
    1. While the flashy special effects were nice, the movie was aurally jarring, loud and displeasing in general to the ear.
    2. In general, low capacitance input transistors are preferable, and systems where the total capacitance at the input is dominated by the detector capacitance are more efficient than systems that are capacitively matched.
    3. He added, “What we know is that counteradvertising in general works.”
    4. If you are that sensitive and can't seperate[sic] things, don't read darkfic - or fanfic in general.
    5. However, there is a particular objection to the rational defensibility of moral inertia that has to do with the intelligibility of the concept of deflection in general.
    6. Carbohydrates are bad? There are weight-loss schemes that involve avoiding them, and you don't want to go crazy on sugars unless you want diabeetus, but in general, i reckon they're okay.
    7. 1882: The duar is in general made up of ten, fifteen, or twenty families, who are related to each other, and each family has a tent. — Edmondo de Amicis, Morocco: Its People & Places, tr. C. Rollin-Tilton
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निश्चितता: स्तर 1
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