
became उदाहरण

EN[bɪˈkeɪm] [-eɪm]
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    Examples of became in a Sentence

  • इसके उदाहरण become
    1. And although the debate about GM crops and foods has become more muted in recent months, agrobiotechnology is still making it onto the front page.
    2. He bought the properties last year hoping to make a profit out of reselling them; however, with the economic downturn, they have now become an albatross around his neck.
    3. Indeed, as banks become more adept at internal risk classifications, their incentives to arbitrage economic and regulatory capital can only increase
    4. Riley has an aspiration to become a doctor
    5. Like every kid her age, she has to become a much better ballhandler and a better defender,” he said.
    6. With very little fanfare, WZAA had become the first FM station in New York offering a format known as Mexican Regiona, which includes genres like ranchera, banda and norteña music.
    7. As long as surfaces in hospitals are contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria, doctors’ and nurses’ hands become recontaminated seconds after washing and gloving, as soon as they pull open a privacy curtain to see the next patient or touch a bedrail.
    8. He had been a big top performer in his youth, but in a twist of fate he had run away to become an investment banker.
    9. “We want to become a leader in biotherapeutics and vaccines,” Jeffrey B. Kindler, Pfizer’s chief executive, said Monday at the Manhattan news conference where the deal was announced.
  • इसके उदाहरण became
    1. Jones became a Cub as the result of a pre-season trade.
    2. Jones became a Mariner as the result of a pre-season trade.
    3. He became an Oriole as the result of a pre-season trade.
    4. Jones became a Padre as the result of a pre-season trade.
    5. On both visits, the ubiquitous fried green plantain rounds (tostones) were heavy and almost too thick when hot, then became pucklike when cool.
    6. In its elongated form, the shen ring became the cartouche which enclosed and protected a royal name.
    7. Adrianne Wadewitz, a scholar of 18th-century British literature who became one of the most prolific and influential editors of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, died on April 8 in Palm Springs, Calif. She was 37.
    8. Later, the compound became known as precocene II after its specific antijuvenile hormone activity in insects was discovered [2 ].
  • इसके उदाहरण becomes
    1. The person is corrupted by the introsusception of a nature which becomes evil thereby. — Coleridge.
    2. Scapin, Rusty Magee's musicalization of Moliere's 1670 Les Fourberies de Scapin, is an adaptation true to its source: this slight farce becomes an even slighter musical.
    3. Some of the onomatopes were given with the notations of their respective sounds as they appear to the Indian ear; thus, the sound of the plane and drawing-knife (s-s-s) becomes the root siu [ …]
    4. Here are the intricately colored discs and paper strips of images that needed only devices like a zoetrope or phenakistiscope to become animated spectacles: a horse will jump through a hoop; a sailor will blow a bubble that becomes the moon.
    5. Since reaction occurs specifically at the cyclobutene π-bond, the opportunity to effect a retrodiene loss of cyclopentadiene becomes an option.
  • इसके उदाहरण becoming
    1. Becoming more aware of the progress that scientists have made on behavioral fronts can reduce the risk that other natural scientists will resort to mystical agential accounts when they exceed the limits of their own disciplinary training.
    2. Aidless navigation has the advantage of not requiring equipment but is much less accurate and more prone to becoming lost.
    3. For good or ill, American society is becoming increasingly democratic and antiauthoritarian, and most Catholics are participating in the democratization of the total culture.
    4. A series of antipatronage court rulings had loosened his hold over city workers; demographically, his ward was becoming more like a north lakefront district.
    5. Fred is becoming a bum - he's not even bothering to work more than once a month.
    6. The less-than-henotic nature of the United Nations epitomizes the challenges and cross currents present in the process of becoming and/or remaining united.
संबंधित लिंक्स:
  1. en becamest
  2. en became one flesh
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कठिनाई: स्तर 1
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