
spine परिभाषा

EN[spaɪn] [-aɪn]
Tरीढ़ की हड्डी
The spines of some books on the English language
The spines of some books on the English language

    Definition of spine in English Dictionary

  • संज्ञा (Noun)PLspinesSUF-ine
    1. The series of bones situated at the back from the head to the pelvis of a person, or from the head to the tail of an animal; backbone, vertebral column.
      1. Something resembling a backbone, such as a ridge, or a long, central structure from which other structures radiate.
        1. [Describing scoliosis.] The integuments over the abdomen are folded or wrinkled, the left breast is seldom fully developed, the ribs lose their natural shape, those of the left side becoming straighter, while, on the right side, they are so much curved, as to admit of their being easily grasped by the hand; they are closer together on the left side, and frequently rest upon the spine of the ilium, thus giving the right side a fuller and more rounded appearance than is natural.
        2. The spine is the book's backbone. Because the spine is generally all you can see when a book is on the shelf, the spine displays the title and author of the book and is often ornately decorated.
      2. A rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant.
        1. (figuratively) Courage or assertiveness.
          1. Trademark Owners will nevertheless try to dictate how their marks are to be represented, but dictionary publishers with spine can resist such pressure.
        2. The stiffness of an arrow.
        3. और ज्यादा उदाहरण
          1. मध्य के वाक्य में इस्तेमाल किया
            • “It would feed a north-south truckway spine along the west side of Manhattan, with short east-west spurs,” he writes.
            • A shorter unarmed rostrum along with reduced spines reduces impact of strong turbulent water fluxes, which are common in the microbiotopes where the shrimps thrive [51 ].
            • The spine is the book's backbone. Because the spine is generally all you can see when a book is on the shelf, the spine displays the title and author of the book and is often ornately decorated.
          2. वाक्य के अंत में प्रयुक्त
            • Hearing that the killer escaped prison sent shivers down my spine.
        • पार्ट ऑफ़ स्पीच पदानुक्रम (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
          1. संज्ञा
            • गणनीय संज्ञाएं
          संबंधित लिंक्स:
          1. en spinet
          2. en spineless
          3. en spines
          4. en spined
          5. en spinel
          स्रोत: विक्षनरी

          Meaning of spine for the defined word.

          व्याकरण की दृष्टि से, इस शब्द "spine" एक एक संज्ञा, और अधिक विशेष रूप से, एक गणनीय संज्ञाएं है।
          कठिनाई: स्तर 3
          आसान     ➨     कठिन
          निश्चितता: स्तर 9
          निश्चित    ➨     बहुमुखी