
introduce परिभाषा

EN[ˌɪntɹəˈduːs] [ˌɪntɹəˈdjuːs]
Tपरिचय कराना

    Definition of introduce in English Dictionary

  • क्रिया (Verb)SGintroducesPRintroducingPT, PPintroduced
    1. (transitive, of people) To cause (someone) to be acquainted (with someone else).
      1. Let me introduce you to my friends. ‎
    2. (transitive) To make (something or someone) known by formal announcement or recommendation.
      1. The senator plans to introduce the bill in the next session. ‎
      2. Let me introduce our guest speaker. ‎
    3. (transitive) To add (something) to a system, a mixture, or a container.
      1. Various pollutants were introduced into the atmosphere. ‎
    4. (transitive) To bring (something) into practice.
      1. Wheeled transport was introduced long ago. ‎
  • और ज्यादा उदाहरण
    1. मध्य के वाक्य में इस्तेमाल किया
      • I'd like to introduce Mumbo the Magnificent and his dancing parrot, Tiddles. Take it away, Mumbo!
      • The Sirex woodwasp kills pines and sometimes other conifers by introducing a toxic mucus and fungus when the female lays her eggs through the bark and into the sapwood.
      • We introduced parasitism into the standard PSO to develop a multiswarm PSO that balances exploration and exploitation.
    2. वाक्य के अंत में प्रयुक्त
      • For measurements of the cardiac output (CO), the right femoral artery was cannulated and a thermocatheter (MLT1402 T-type Ultra Fast Thermocouple, ADInstruments, Oxford, UK) was introduced.
  • पार्ट ऑफ़ स्पीच पदानुक्रम (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. क्रिया
      • सकर्मक क्रिया
    संबंधित लिंक्स:
    1. en introduced
    2. en introduces
    3. en introducer
    4. en introducee
    5. en introducees
    स्रोत: विक्षनरी

    Meaning of introduce for the defined word.

    व्याकरण की दृष्टि से, इस शब्द "introduce" एक एक क्रिया, और अधिक विशेष रूप से, एक सकर्मक क्रिया है।
    कठिनाई: स्तर 2
    आसान     ➨     कठिन
    निश्चितता: स्तर 8
    निश्चित    ➨     बहुमुखी