
at once परिभाषा

EN[ət ˈwʌns]

    Definition of at once in English Dictionary

  • क्रिया-विशेषण (Adverb)
    1. (obsolete) In one group; together.
      1. (idiomatic) At the same time; simultaneously.
        1. Can you pat your head and rub your belly at once? He tried to eat four cookies at once. ‎
      2. (idiomatic) Immediately; now; right away.
        1. Tell the doctor to come at once. She is having a baby. ‎
    2. और ज्यादा उदाहरण
      1. मध्य के वाक्य में इस्तेमाल किया
        • [ …] Ms. Kennedy has been whiplashed by assertions that she is at once protected and presumptuous.
        • The film is at once too Hollywood and too realistic. It is tied to genre conventions while stylistically following the new code of realism, especially with regard to mise-en-scène and performance.
        • 1978: ‘Hail!’ Her clear cry echoed off the cliffs like a tantara, and was answered at once by one thrilling shout from a myriad of voices: ‘Hail!’ — Stephen Donaldson, The Illearth War
      2. वाक्य के अंत में प्रयुक्त
        • Yet he faced his foemen with dauntless courage, dashing in, springing back, sure-footed, steady-handed, with a point which seemed to menace three at once.
        • The vending machine went wrong and dispensed five cans of drink at once.
        • This man is about to die, get him into theater at once!
    • पार्ट ऑफ़ स्पीच पदानुक्रम (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. वाक्यांश
        • पूर्वसर्गिक वाक्यांश
        • क्रिया-विशेषण
          • Uncomparable क्रिया विशेषण
          • पूर्वसर्ग
            • पूर्वसर्गिक वाक्यांश

          Other Vocabulary

          देखो-समान शब्द (Look-Alike Words)
          1. en at one
          2. en attonce
          3. fr atroce
          4. fr atonie
          5. fr annonce
          स्रोत: विक्षनरी

          Meaning of at once for the defined word.

          व्याकरण की दृष्टि से, इस मुहावरा "at once" एक एक वाक्यांश, और अधिक विशेष रूप से, एक पूर्वसर्गिक वाक्यांश है। यह भी एक क्रिया-विशेषण, और अधिक विशेष रूप से, एक uncomparable क्रिया विशेषण है। यह भी एक पूर्वसर्ग, और अधिक विशेष रूप से, एक पूर्वसर्गिक वाक्यांश है।
          निश्चितता: स्तर 8
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